

Vacation Schemes at Squire Patton Boggs with a Training Contract at Squire Patton Boggs

As a first-generation university student from a lower-income family and with no links with the legal industry, I never imagined I would be where I am today. Growing up, there was the tacit understanding that people like me just do not apply for roles in the City. Being able to graduate from high school was already seen as a miracle. When I told my parents that I wanted to go to university to study law, there were many worries. From concerns surrounding my future job prospects to whether I would be able to fit in; and more importantly  to “survive” (with basic living costs) in a university setting. Nevertheless, I still went ahead with it.  Along the way, I was brave enough to start seeking opportunities out and put myself out there. I was also blessed to meet people that believed in me and that pushed me to reach my potential.

Being a STRIVE Supernova Associate this year has literally changed my life.  I have received invaluable advice and guidance from my mentor. The team behind STRIVE has really inspired me to take every rejection, success and event as a learning opportunity.  This has truly helped me to channel my energy where needed and stay focused on the bigger picture. Thanks to all the above, I was able to complete two vacation schemes and accept a training contract offer on the back of them. The workshops, sponsor law firm specific events and recurring check-ins made a difference.

I cannot thank STRIVE enough for all the support I have received. I cannot wait to give back to those that are in the same situation I was in not long ago!


Ethnic Minority, First-gen to attend University